Replacement patches for Megaem 2.02 and Xwing. Should make Xwing sound a whole lot better. (I've not tried this mod with Xwing since I don't have Xwing nor a computer capable of running it... :-(. Hopefully it works.) This file was downloaded from the gravis bbs. May the Force be with you. Hee hee. Wilson ============================================== Info gleaned from the Readme.txt file follows: ============================================== WHAT YOU NEED. To get the new patches working on your system you will need: 1) Xwing, configured for General Midi with Soundblaster. 2) A Gravis Ultrasound card (preferably with 1 MB memory, they are complex patches). 3) The latest Megaem drivers (version 2.02). BACKGROUND As soon as I loaded Megaem and heard the music, I knew SBOS was history for me. Unfortunateley some of the sound effects in the game are just musical notes. From there it was a simple matter of replacing the patches with sounds more appropriate to the game. Whenever possible I used the Star Wars radio tapes to get the sounds for the sake of authenticity. For those of you interested in doing something similar here are the patches I discovered that I've tried to improve. violin.pat-This is the sound of Tie fighter shots, and the doors opening and closing. I replaced it with Tieshot.pat which has separate sounds for the doors, and tie fighter shots. helicptr.pat-This is the shuttle's sonic boom. Replaced by Xwing.pat applause.pat-This is the annoying sound the welder makes. Replaced by welder.pat. fantasia.pat-This is responsible for two sounds. The introduction to the game with the Lucas art's logo, and the starfield when you hyperspace. I didn't touch this because I kind of liked the way the starfield sounds. Renamed to hspace.pat. flute.pat-This is the engine sound for the ships in all the transition sequences. It also plays the music. Unfortunateley the one note that the ships use ( a very high E ) is also a part of the music, so I could not split it with two sounds. I did lower the pitch however by an octave because I thought it was a little annoying having the ships whistle up in that range. The music still sounds good, if not better. This file is xwing2.pat. ringwhsl.pat-This is the most complex patch, and it explains the dis- appearance of the ion cannons and the funny after echoes you get when you actually hit something. It's responsible for the ion cannons, the explosions, the sizzling sounds you make when you are hit, your wingmen's shots, the sonic boom you get when you hyperspace. I replaced it with boom.pat. Unfortunateley I could not locate the file responsbile for the targeting computer. It's probably a glitch in Megaem.